Asking For Help

Do you ask for help when you are uncertain about a decision?
Do you normally wait until you are in “crisis mode” to ask for help?

You are not alone. Most people follow in this pattern. However a person living a mindful life has learned the importance of asking for help before it becomes a crisis. Mindful living is being proactive and not reactive in life. It is a conscious awareness of a potential problem before the problem becomes stressful or harmful. Therefore, a person with a mindful living consciousness takes time each day to discern what they are feeling or sensing.

Resources Available When You Ask For Help

Everyone has three primary resources for help when faced with uncertainty.

  • Your own Higher Self. Within you is your wisdom of the ages. Everything you have learned and experienced in previous lifetimes lies within your subconscious. Many times you have your own answer. Finally, all it takes is a little quiet time and let your inner feelings on the decision bubble up to your conscious mind.
  • Your close friends. How willing are you to ask your close friends what they would do if they were in your situation. In most cases your close friends have a soul connection with you and can provide invaluable assistance. Many times sharing your dilemma with a close soul friend is like asking the question to yourself.
  • Your Angels. There is a “still small voice within” that is different from your Higher Self. Your Angels have a detached perspective on your life and the challenges you face. They are there to help you, help yourself. How well do you ask your question to spirit and release it? Also, there is a saying, “Let go and let God.”

It is pretty amazing how simple life becomes when you have a willingness to ask for help before the situation becomes a serious crisis. There is a Law of Attraction that says, “What I put out, is what I get back.” When you have a willingness to ask for help, then your Law of Attraction will start bringing answers to you.

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