How to Magnetize Your Law of Attraction

I have some important insights about your Law of Attraction I feel you need to know. These insights are based on my thirty-five years of observing people and my own actions. Also, being alert to insights my spirit guides have shared with me.

Subconscious attitudes about money will affect your abundance. Many of these attitudes were formed in your first seven years of life. An abundant, successful life is yours. Many times success is sabotaged by certain attitudes you have.

Do you have a Poor Consciousness or Abundant Consciousness?

Below are common thoughts of a Poor or Poverty Consciousness

  • Never happy with what you have
  • Money slips through your fingers (easy come-easy go)
  • “Money doesn’t grow on trees.”
  • “I can’t afford that”
  • “Rich people are……..” (Negative tone)
  • “I am too poor to own those things”

Five Foundations for an Abundant Life
that will improve Your Law of Attraction

Being thankful and appreciative for what you do have and attract. When you look in your wallet and see $5.00, do you say "I only have $5.00." Or do you say, "Great, I have $5.00. This is good." If someone pays you a compliment do you thank them and accept it. Or do you dismiss it and not accept it in your heart. 

Having an attitude that there is plenty for everyone. Do you feel generous with your life or do you hold on to what you feel is precious? Is there a feeling of scarcity, or not enough?

Willingness to put action into your dreams/goals. There can be a belief that all a person needs to do is Visualize their goals, then magically those goals will be attained. In every goal there are two parts. The spiritual energy and the physical energy. It takes a balance  of both actions for your Law of Attraction to achieve maximum results. Visualization is good and needed. However without taking action, results are minimal. What you put out (Effort/Energy) is what you get back (Goals Achieved/Success).

Willing to ask for help. Equally important is the need to ask for assistance. There are people in your life who want to help you. In fact their assistance is likely a part of your spiritual contract with them. The more people involved with your goals, the more energy that is available for your Law of Attraction.

Reprogram unproductive subconscious attitudes. How rigid are you in the methods to achieve your goals. Being flexible and willing to adjust is critical. Here are some subconscious blocks that may be hindering your success.

  • Fear of actually be super successful
  • Guilt over precious experiences
  • Resent others having more than you
  • Procrastination in taking action
  • Put undue pressure on yourself to succeed

These are just a few of the most common blockage areas. Have you taken a little time to evaluate the ways you sabotage your success? Know and neutralizing your blockage areas increases your positive Law of Attraction.

What's next?

Some simple solutions to begin

  • Review the Five Foundations listed above.
  • Which of the five do you honestly feel is the weakest and could be strengthened?
  • For the next week, make a conscious effort to strengthen that foundation. Accept it and claim in in your true feelings.  
  • Week 2, select another foundation to strengthen.
  • As you strengthen your foundations each week and integrate them in your life, you will experience more magical moments and you goals becoming a reality.

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