Mindful Living – How To Transform Your Life

How to transform your life and experience success living

I was very fortunate to have a mentor, Dr. Francisco Coll, when I was twenty-seven that helped me better understand life and the inner workings of my soul. You could say he helped me transform my life and create successful living methods. I was able to transform my life. I created a live with a vibrant intention. The intention of my soul.

You can transform your life with by using the simple insight I learned from my mentor. As a result I have created an affluent lifestyle with one very important insight my Mentor shared with me. It is so simple but very powerful once you grasp what this means. Most of all stay patient and take the time to read this article fully. It will transform your life.

Basics of who you are

First of all, you are a soul with a physical body. You do not have a soul, you are a soul. In addition you are energy. Finally you are the sum total of all your experiences through time.

There are two aspects to your soul consciousness.

intellect and feeling

Conscious Mind is referred to as the Intellect or Head.
Subconscious Mind is referred to as Feelings or Heart.

Finally, your Conscious and Sub Conscious need to be in balance. You need a feeling or inspiration for the direction of your life. Also, you need an effective interpretation (or direction) for your inspiration.

How you interpret your impressions and take action

how we interpret impressions

Step 1: All your impressions, hunches, desires, insights, dreams, and aspirations all come through the Subconscious mind – Heart. Hence the term “heart’s desire.” Your heart’s desire is the source of passion and determination to accomplish your dreams. You could say that all important aspects of your life comes from your heart. It is the motivating drive of the soul.

Step 2: Next the impression in your feelings flows to the intellect for an interpretation for what you were feeling.

Consequentially, the true purpose of the Conscious mind – Intellect is very simple. It is to organize the steps or methods to accomplish the heart’s desire. Finally the intellect’s only purpose is to organize the heart’s desire into effective steps. It’s role is not to tell the feelings what can or cannot be done. What it should or should not do.

Therefore you could say the conscious mind is a gateway for the subconscious mind to take action in the physical world. Every successful activity a person has begins with a desire of the heart. Furthermore your desire becomes organized by the conscious mind and then acted upon in the physical world.

Success in Life

Every successful activity the soul takes has three simple steps:

Step 1: Having a Feeling or Desire to move in a particular direction. “I want to ………”
Step 2: Intellect determines or organizes a way to accomplish the feeling (heart’s desire)
Step 3: With a balance of Feeling (Desire) and Intellect (Organization), the Action (Implementation) is taken.

transform your life

Sounds pretty simple, right? For many people however successful actions are not that simple.

Why it is difficult to transform your life

The primary reason is a term you probably already know: Emotions.

Consequentially, there is a difference between Emotions and Feelings. My interpretation of the concept of Emotions may be a little different than what you already know. Feelings and Emotions are different and the lack of clarity is the root cause of confusion and anxiety. Emotions limit your ability to transform your life easily.

Feelings are pure and simple. They are innate to the soul. Your feelings are an integral element of your true life purpose. They are the passion of the soul.

Emotions are a learned reaction, they are not innate to the soul. They are connected to the conscious mind.

emotions and blockages

Your emotions are a learned reaction. Therefore you were trained to react in a particular way. You learned most of your emotional reactions during your first fourteen years of life. For example, emotions are:

  • Fearful of making a mistake
  • Guilty over past decisions
  • Being Judged or concerned over what other people think
  • Judging other people for the decisions they make
  • Expecting people to behave in a particular way. Especially friends and family members.
  • The above examples of emotions

Your emotions can be a major influence in your life.

Ways Emotions affects your Feelings.

When in balance:

  • You have a desire or aspiration (you want to do something).
  • This desire goes to your mind to become organized with a plan.
  • Finally, you take action and implement the plan

When out of balance:

  • You have a desire or aspiration (you want to do something).
  • This desire goes to your mind to become organized with a plan.
  • Then, your emotions take over and neutralize the desire
    • What will people think?
    • What if I fail?
    • I need more information
    • Will I be accepted?
  • Your emotions create a delay in taking action or you may never take action. You can become neutralized. Therefore, your timing is thrown off or you settle for a small success instead of what your truly want.

As a result, your emotions are the pathways for other people to manipulate you or influence you into taking actions that you do not truly want.

How free do you want to be to be and transform your life?

Do you want more freedom and energy to live the life you want? However, the solution is identifying your emotions that act as the judge and jury in neutralizing your life. You do not need to experience a stagnant life and being unproductive. You can live the life you want.

However, you need to find the courage to transform your life

from: Feel – Over organize (emotions engaged) – Delay action

no actions

To: Feel – Organize – Take Action

success living

Life will become simpler as your emotions are minimized. I know you can accomplish the changes in your life that you want. I know that because you are reading this and have made it to the end of this article. This means that something inside you is ready for meaningful change. You are ready to accept an alternative path than the one you have been on.

The journey of a thousand steps begins with one step
Lao Tzu 

I can help with your transformation

I have a Mindful Living Online Master Class that can help. Visit this page to learn more about the Mindful Living Online Master Class.

Thank you for your interest in this Blog Article

Roger Ringo

Educator and Consultant