6th Sense – Extra Sensory Perception Explained

cutting edge esp

The four types of extra sensory perception are the cutting edge breakthrough secrets that can take the mystery out of your relationships with people.

What is Extra Sensory Perception, Psychic Sensitivity, and your 6th Sense? Are they the same thing?

We could say that your 6th SenseExtra Sensory Perception (ESP), and Psychic Sensitivity, are different phrases describing a similar experience. They describe an experience of being consciously aware of something that transcends your normal senses. It is having an inner awareness that is normally inexplicable.

Would you say there are times when you have awareness through an extra sense? Are there times you have an awareness that transcends the five physical senses? Do you ever have an inexplicable awareness of another person’s attitudes or feelings? If so, you having an extra ordinary experience.

There are four types of your 6th Sense or  ESP

Inner Knowing, Visual, Idea/Conceptual, and  Feeling/Empathy.

You have all four, but one is primary. Therefore, ESP helps you comprehend what you are sensing or what your hunches are telling you. They also indicate personality traits. Understanding your Primary ESP Type can help you better interact with other people. Because there are four types of ESP, they can also help you better understand your children, co-workers, spouse, relatives, and other significant people in your life.

Many of life’s conflicts with other people are based on not being aware of the different styles of perception and communication. For example, if you are the Idea/Conceptual type, then you usually have a difficult time with the Feeling/Empathetic type person. The Feeling person usually communicates with a lot of detail information. This becomes overwhelming to the Idea/Conceptual person.

If you are a Visual person, there is a tendency to becomes a perfectionist and expect other people to be the same. An Inner Knowing person has a tendency to finish other people’s sentences for them. They can be eccentric and unpredictable.

Examples of ESP: You know a close friend is calling before you pick up the phone. You know to check on your children who are playing outside and avert danger. You sense a person is not telling you everything in a conversation. A close family member comes to mind and you learn later they passed away at that same moment. These are all Extra Sensory Perception (ESP) experiences.

Brief description of each Avenue of Perception

Inner Knowing

The Inner Knowing perception is a very unique style. This person has an inner knowing about people and situations. They do not know how they know, they just do. You may know people who say “I know” in their communication with others. This person is very creative and unorthodox in their approach to life.

A psychic or paranormal term for this style would be Prophetic, predicting the future. This allows them to be good at planning ahead. An Inner Knowing person daydreams easily and “spaces out” when bored. They have a strong affinity with the color purple. Do you know someone like this? Are you like this?


Vision is interpreting life through a mental image. Usually a picture in their mind’s eye materializes as the impression floats into their consciousness. This is a person who sees clearly into situations at home and work. People who use this style normally say “I see” in their verbal expression with others. They notice details missed by others.

A Visionary is neat in their appearance and wants a visually attractive home and work space. Normally a visionary person will see the best in people and overlook a person’s weakness. A psychic or paranormal term for this style would be Clairvoyant, clear seeing. Yellow captures the essence of Vision. Do you know someone like this? Are you like this?


Interpreting impressions using ideas, words, or concepts is the Idea/Conceptual style. This person is very straightforward and direct with their insights. They prefer simplicity and being unencumbered as a lifestyle. In their communication with others they typically say, “I understand.” They prefer information given to them in outline form using brief statements. The Idea/Conceptual has a strong commanding presence and intimates others without trying. They can tell if a person is being truthful just by the sound of their voice.

This person prefers to be in a leadership position. A psychic or paranormal term for this style would be Clairaudient, clear hearing. Red captures their bold nature, strong nature. Do you know someone like this? Are you like this?


The Feeling/Empathic person interprets life by how it feels, are the physical sensation. They feel what others feel and experience the general, overall vibration of groups. They are very empathetic and are attracted to the healing professions. A Feeling/Empathetic person can have a difficult time expressing in words what they sense. Usually a Feeling person will say, “This feels good or this does not feel good.”

Trusting their feelings is the challenge when involved with Idea/Concept or Vision people. A Feeling/Empathetic person is generally very patient and loves to work with their hands. A psychic or paranormal term for this style would be Healer or Healing. Blue symbolizes the Feeling/Empathetic person. Do you know someone like this? Are you like this?

Because you do not have a way to understand people around you, life can seem mysterious and chaotic. Life does not need to be confusing. There is a way to grasp the differences in people. The Four Avenues of Perception is one tool that can help dramatically.

Ways to learn more

I can teach you a simple method of communicating with your angels at any time.
Also learn your Extra Sensory Perception Type in a private 1 hour consultation I administer.
Learn more here 

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Thank you for reading this article, I hope it will help you.

Roger Ringo
Educator & Consultant