Mindful Living – Believe in yourself

A different perspective

As you read books and listen to experts share their perspective on spirituality, there is always an inherent bias with their interpretation. Therefore, how you were raised, educated, and interacted in social situations affects your bias and what you believe. Also, your personal experiences from past lifetimes also become an internally important aspect of how you view and interpret life. There is a tremendous need for people to believe in their ideas and insights are valid.

In other words, the basis for your bias is the sum total of your experiences from both this and previous lifetimes. This is why there are so many different opinions on different topics that you encounter. Let me repeat again: Your experiences from previous lifetimes and this lifetime form the foundation of all your biased opinions on numerous topics.

Having biased opinions is not good or bad.

They just are. It is who you are and who I am. Who your parents, friends, co-workers, spouses, and children are. Additionally, your opinions (or we could say beliefs) create an inner fabric or foundation for surviving life on planet earth. However, the challenge becomes recognizing this in yourself and accepting that you have a right to your beliefs. But it is also important to realize that others have the same right to their beliefs (opinions).

If you have been strongly educated in a religious environment and have lifetimes of following religious instruction, then there will be a tendency to interpret life from that perspective. Also, if you have been strongly educated in a political environment and have lifetimes of being involved in political activities, then there will be a tendency to interpret life from that perspective.

You are attracted to and become involved with those areas of life that match who you are a a soul.

In conclusion, how can you put into practice this perspective? Could you be a little more patient with yourself and others? How about focusing on changing yourself in ways you feel are beneficial. Be an excellent example of your beliefs for others, and those who are ready to change will change.

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Roger Ringo
Educator and Consultant