Create a stronger aura

Lesson 2: How To Create A Stronger Aura


Simple Breathing and Meditation Technique

Everyone has an aura. It is an energy field around your physical body. The strength or intensity of your aura is directly related to your spiritual health, or how you feel about yourself. The more positive and upbeat you feel about life, your aura will be stronger. If you are depressed, discouraged, or under intense pressure, you aura will shrink and not be as strong.

Your aura functions as a barrier to energies that emanate from other people and the physical environment. If you have a weak aura and are surrounded by negative people, then you will feel drained and agitated for no apparent reason.

The breathing and meditation techniques I am presenting on this page will help you keep your aura charged. You will have more of a barrier from negativity.

In my thirty-five years of mentoring people there is nothing more powerful and simpler for strengthening the aura than using a simple breathing technique. Mindful breathing and then meditation are a two step process that will create impressive results.

The importance of breathing and meditation cannot be over emphasized. They are THE most important techniques of insights you will use to create mindful living. Furthermore, breathing and meditation each day will be the difference between being in control of your life and reacting to other people's demands.

It will take time and discipline to use them. You are creating new habits for success. Old habit patterns will try to distract you from consistently and keep you in a stressful, status quo. You will need to be patient with yourself during the beginning days of starting this system. Psychology tells us it takes 30 days to create a strong habit and 30 days to change a strong habit.

Now let's start experiencing the real you.

Breathing Technique

The following is a simple four-count breathing technique that I have been using for over fifteen years. Using this technique at various times during your day will have very positive benefits.

Here are the steps

  • Breathe in deeply to a count of four: In, 2, 3, 4
  • Breath out deeply to a count of four: Out, 2, 3, 4
  • In, 2, 3, 4
  • Out 2, 3, 4
  • Keep repeating

Each In and Out breathe needs to take about 5 seconds each. This will enable you to fully fill your lungs and exhale your lungs.

Only six complete cycles are needed to achieve benefits of this breathing technique. You can do more, but six cycles would be the minimum.

Play the instructional video below and be guided through the breathing technique.

Purpose of this breathing technique.

For most people there is a tendency to breath in quick, short, shallow breathes. This is a reaction by the body due to the stress of anxiety, fear, pressure to accomplish, or being overworked.

The lungs and central nervous system are interconnected with the rest of the organs and muscles of the body. There is a strong therapeutic effect by just breathing in long, deep breathes,

The blood stream oxygenates itself more effectively. The brain receives more oxygen and can be more alert. The central nervous system is less "nervous" or "tense." There is an overall rejuvenating effect to the entire body.

For more insights on the benefits of rhythmic, deep breathing, you conduct your own internet search of articles. I only intend to review the fundamentals.

When and How Often

Here is what I recommend to start using this breathing technique

  • In the morning before engaging with your day. Take just one minute and complete 6 cycles of the technique described above.
  • Mid-morning, complete 6 cycles of breathing. This can be done at your desk or anywhere. This only takes one minute to do.
  • Mid-afternoon, complete 6 cycles of breathing. This can be done anywhere. While driving, in a meeting, or at your desk.
  • Late-evening before going to bed, complete 6 cycles (or more) of breathing. Completing the 6 breathing cycles before going to bed will result in a more restful and rejuvenating sleep.

Completing the breathing technique four times a day over thirty days will have a powerful impact in your life. In addition to the physical benefits, the primary spiritual benefit is creating a habit of doing something positive for yourself. This daily technique will create a powerful empowerment within you.

Meditation Technique

The following is a visualization technique I use to gain insights from my higher power. It can be used for personal regrouping and becoming more centered.

It is best to do at least six or more (ten would be best) breathing cycles before using this meditation technique. It will quiet your mind from events of the day and you will not become as mentally distracted.

I call this my Sacred Space meditation

  • After finishing your breathing cycles, close your eyes and take one last deep breathe in and slowing exhale.
  • Now imagine (visualize) yourself at a place that represents Serenity, Freedom, Gentle Breeze, and/or a connection with Nature.
  • See yourself in this image. What do the Feel? What do you See? What do you Smell? Are there any Sounds? Take time to just experience your Sacred Space.
  • Do you feel an attunement to something greater than yourself? Do you feel a Higher Power in your presence?
  • While in your Sacred Space ask the following question, "What do I need to change the most in my life at his time?" Remain quiet and alert to any insights.
  • In future meditations, you can ask any question you would like insights into. Here are some additional suggestions.
    • What did I learn from my interactions with people today? How could I do better tomorrow?
    • How could I respect myself more when interacting with my friends and people I work with?
    • What gives me the most enjoyment in life? How could I experience that more?
    • Who affects me the most in an unpleasant way? How could I change that?

Do this meditation each evening. It will regroup your day and help you have a more relaxing sleep so that you are fully recharged the next day.

Play the instructional video below and be guided through the breathing technique described above.

In Summary

Breathing technique: I cannot over emphasize the impact of this simple breathing technique each day. Doing this each day for thirty days will create powerful changes in your soul. This benefits of this one technique will be worth over 100x the cost of this program.

Sacred Space Meditation: A common pitfall of western society is that most people do not take time each day to regroup. There is an important need to take a little time for yourself and "tune back in." Meditation is a powerful method so that you can list to your soul, you inner feelings.

Now you are ready for Lesson 3: Your True Life Purpose