Mindful attitudes for a healthier lifestyle

Lesson 4: Foster Mindful Attitudes For Healthier Living

From my twenty-five years of training and mentoring people, I have created a list of spiritual concepts that will help you attain a healthier lifestyle.

Integrating these concepts into your life will have a dramatic impact over time. I know this because it has made a difference in my life and the lives of others I have shared them with.

For example

Recently our neighbor was at our house playing Scrabble. When done playing she started sharing about a current personal challenge she was having with a family member. Diana and I have known this neighbor for over twenty years but never had a deeper spiritual sharing about life.

During the conversation she shared, "I don't know what it is, but the two of you have a very positive, clear feeling that radiates out." "I can't explain it I just feel a calmness and inner confidence."

Later after our neighbor left Diana and I commented on how perceptive she was in what she sensed, even though she could not describe it clearly. Her feedback was a confirmation of what we have been working on since our early 30's. We have integrated the previous lessons and the five concepts below into our life.

People notice the change and they want to know how we did it. You will experience the same as you slowly implement the methods in these five lessons.

5 Important Mindful Attitudes

The five concepts/approaches described below create a very strong foundation for inner security and openness towards other people. They are an important element of creating a stronger aura. These concepts affect your Law of Attraction. Implementing them in your daily life will change who and how you interact with others (in a positive way)

  • Inner Loyalty – A strong inner belief in yourself. It is a faithful adherence to your inner values or inner self worth. It is an awareness that your ideas are just as important as other people’s. Inner Loyalty is respecting and appreciating what you know to be true.

In daily living, do you usually defer to other people's ideas or opinions and not follow your own? To the degree you respect your insights and ideas is an indication of the strength of your your Inner Loyalty. Without Inner Loyalty, you will not have a strong sense of self worth.

  • Live and Let Live – Mindful people have a “live and let live” approach to life. This means not trying to change another person or judge their actions. Live and Let Live means being an example of a better way to others and not trying to change their ideas. A mindful person lives life by example and realizes those who are ready to change will be open.

"Mind your own business," is another way of saying "Live and let live." Everyone has their own life lessons that they have come to earth to master. Live and let live is an expression of respecting another person's life choices. If you want more friends in your life, then start living "live and let live" relationship with people.

  • People perceive life and communicate in different ways – There are four different ways that people perceive and interpret life. The method or style that a person communicates can be different from others in a group/family. Mindful living realizes this and remains flexible and open to differences in communication styles.

The four types of perception are: Inner Knowing, Visual, Conceptual, and Feeling. Everyone has all four types of perception, but usually has one that is dominant.

The Inner Knowing type just knows. They do not know how they know. They just have an inner knowing. They are usually creative in unpredictable ways and tend to daydream. This type of person has a difficult time explaining themselves to analytical people.

The Visual type interprets life through an inner vision. They want a clean attractive environment and evaluate situations quickly. A Visual person prefers directions that include landmarks or visual cues.  They are usually good at communicating their ideas.

The Conceptual type interprets life through an idea or understanding.  There is a strong need to understand situations they are involved in. A Conceptual person has a strong personality and tends to dominate groups. They are good organizers and enjoy being in charge.

The Feeling type interprets life through a feeling or sensation. As they meet other people they actually feel what the other person feels. It is experienced as a physical sensation. Their decisions are based on how they feel about it. They usually have a difficult time interacting with Visual and Conceptual people.

Having a awareness that there are four different ways a person interprets and lives their life can help improve relationships. Mindful living is easier when everyone can be accepted for who they are.

  • Life Purpose – A mindful living person has an awareness of having a personal life purpose. This awareness or understanding can be either a vague inner knowing or a specific direction. Either way, a mindful person as an inner lighthouse to help guide their decisions and direction in life. It is a purposeful involvement.
  • Inner Guidance – A mindful spiritual living person realizes there is an inner guidance, a “still small voice within” that is a resource for inspiration and insight that transcend the logical, conscious mind. It is a realization that he/she is not alone and there is always help when they are willing to ask for it.

This inner guidance is normally known as: Angels, Guardian Angels, Spirit Guides, Ascended Masters, or Helpers. Everyone has 1 or 2. Many people have 3 or more. The challenge is to quiet the mind so that you can consciously be aware of the insights you inner guidance is trying to share.

Using the Rhythmic Breathing and Sacred Space Meditation techniques your learned in Lesson 2 will help you be more alert to spirit's messages. All it takes is a little patience and practice and a whole new world will open up to you.

Take a moment and review the above Mindful Attitudes

  • Which one of these five do you feel would help you the most at this time in your life?
  • How could you implement it in your life today and tomorrow?

It will not be easy making these changes. However the reward will be a more fulfilling life with much less chaos and negativity. People will become much less demanding.

I am here to help you more

Roger Ringo
Educator & Consultant

I offer a private mentoring program that can accelerate your process. If you would like to learn more

I am here to help you start mastering life. You have all the inner strength and wisdom inside for your journey. My role is to help you unlock and rediscover what you already have from other lifetimes.

Now you are ready for Lesson 5: Transcending Emotions